1|2|3 // Solo | Duo | Trio

an evening with young choreographers
Tour Suzanne Dellal Centre, Tel Aviv
8. March 2024
https://www.mainfrankentheater.de/ Mainfranken Theater Würzburg Theaterstraße 21, 97070 Würzburg

Kleines Haus (small theater hall) | 19:30 - 20:30
Semesterticket Mainfranken Theater
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Concept and artistic direction of 1|2|3 porgram: Naomi Perlov
Lights: Ofer Laufer
CEO Suzanne Dellal Centre: Anat Fischer Leventon
Assistent Artistic Director: Tamir Eting
Stage Manager: Shully Tseiger
Production an tour management: Sheyzaf Zach
Ariel Freedman
Naya Binghi
Natalia Thais
Maya Navot
Marina Walpercin
Michael Getman


Seven Minutes That Changed the World
Choreography, Costume Design and Performance Ariel Freedman

Look down
Choreography and Performance: Naya Binghi
Costume Design: Yalta Tzion

In memory of the olive trees
Choreography: Naya Binghi
Performers: Natalia Thaïs, Marina Walpercin,Naya Binghi
Costumes Design Consulting: Milly Vishnia

Choreography: Ophir Kunesch
Performers: Maya Navot, Ophir Kunesch
Costume Design: Maya Navot, Ophir Kunesch

First Things (excerpt)
Choreography: Michael Getman
Performance: Ariel Gelbart
Dramaturgy: Yael Venezia
Original Sound: Gal Hochberg, Michael Getman
Costume Design: Omri Albo
On this mixed bill evening, young choreographers and dancers from Israel will present their own works. At the invitation of the Suzanne Dellal Centre in Tel Aviv, Israel's premier address for contemporary dance, each of them was asked to create a solo, a duet and a trio. The choreographies show how individual approaches can ultimately lead to a strong sense of togetherness.

The performance is part of a tour of six theaters in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria in solidarity with Israeli artists. Initiated by Christian Gampert and the Munich Culture Consulate General of Israel and supported by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.